The oppression of the African African community of Philly has only gotten more intense in recent years as more casinos have been built throughout the state of Pennsylvania.
In 2015 Pennsylvania was dubbed the 2nd largest casino hub in the nation. There are 14 casinos in Pennsylvania with a gross gaming revenue reaching 2.6 million dollars in 2020 There’s a newly opened casino in South Philadelphia, turf clubs, and bingo halls, as well as an increasing amount of slot machines being placed in poor African communities . You can find slot machines conveniently accessible as early as 8 am at the bodega (or as we call it, the ‘papi store’)in Philly. These stores, which the African community generally has to rely on for food, carry groceries that are often expired and deli meats that are occasionally rotten.
Another casino has recently opened in the deeply impoverished South Philly neighborhood of Kensington.
The casino has recorded up to $13 million in revenue from their slots alone in one month. Over time, we’ve seen these stores and institutions only contribute to the continued exploitation of the African community. These store owners,companies and corporations only take money out of our community without giving anything back towards the economic development of our community.
This situation won’t work. Our people are suffering while these corporations get richer and the only way we can change that is by getting organized.
This is why all African people in Philly need to tune-in to the 2021 InPDUM Convention in order to learn about this oppressive system and get involved with the organization that will overturn this system, put power into our peoples hands and change the conditions of our communities. Uhuru
President, InPDUM Philadelphia
New York City has been plagued by extreme violence in the already oppressed black and brown communities. The colonial virus’ latest manifestation through COVID 19 now has a variant thats threatened even more terror on the African community.
Many black New Yorkers are facing evictions while others are putting their hopes in a black mayoral candidate that seems to be designated to take the seat in the fall.
Now more than ever, black people need to come into political life. Our community’s conditions are only getting worse and a black mayor won’t save us. We need to take our faith out of this system and any black mayor savior and put that faith in ourselves. We need to organize to govern our own affairs andThe International People’s Democratic Uhuru Movement (InPDUM) is poised for self governance.
We believe that self- determination is the highest form of democracy and none of the existing political parties have any interest in providing our communities with the safety, security & economic development required for us to defeat the colonial virus.
When I say “colonial virus”, I’m talking about the virus of colonialism. Colonialism is the foreign and alien domination of a people for the purpose of economic exploitation and political advantage; to strip a people of all human and civil rights and to rule without regard to law. Colonialism is the virus that our people have been suffering from for over 500 years and the only cure for it is overturning this system by getting organized. This is how we kill the virus.
InPDUM will be holding our annual organizing convention this September and we need you to be there. At this convention we will be charting a course for black power in our own black hands. The cure to the colonial virus is black power. Register at today!
Vice-President, InPDUM NYC
In Occupied Azania aka South Africa, Africans suffer from the worst poverty that is caused by colonialism. The majority of African people in occupied azania lived in deeply impoverished communities. These communities, called townships, were designed as a reserve for Africanlabor when the colonizers needed us to work for them.
26 years later since the end of aphartheid in 1994and the beginning so-called democracy, the lives of Africans have gotten worse. Under this neocolonialist government, Africans are still landless and the looting of our natural resources has not been hindered. Africans have no access to their land that was taken violently by the white settlers and as a result, South Africa was called “the most unequal society” by Time magazine in 2019.
I would like to make a call to Africans that InPDUM is about fighting for black power using African Internationalism. Join us at the 2021 INPDUM Convention to find out how we are fighting to complete the African revolution by uniting the African nation through organization. Only organize Africans under InPDUM will be equipped to fight for total liberation of the African nation from Cape to Cairo. Uhuru
-Zakhele Mkhonza
President, InPDUM South Africa (Occupied Azania)
The 2021 InPDUM Convention, celebrating 30 years of fighting for the lives, labor and dignity of our people, will take place on September 3rd- 5th at the St. Louis Uhuru House located at 4101 W. Florissant ave. St. Louis, Mo. 63115. We will also be streaming on Facebook, YouTube and Zoom throughout the weekend.
It’s not too late to be a part of this historic convention. Register today at We have no more time to wait. The time is now to get organized and build for our own liberated future. It’s 2021, brothers and sisters, let’s get it done!